I’ve been following through the steps in this article to set up a Docker swarm cluster on a pair of Raspberry Pis. Most of the steps work as-is from Mac OS, but for a few steps there’s a couple of variations.
This is most likely going to be part 1 of a few posts as I work through and get this working.
For example, to copy your ssh key to the Pis, instead of:
ssh-copy-id pirate@pi3.local
… you can do (from tip here):
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh user@machine "mkdir ~/.ssh; cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
To switch between remote hosts:
eval $(docker-machine env pi1)
where pi1 is the name of the remote host.
To switch back to the localhost (not entirely obvious but found the answer here):
eval "$(docker-machine env -u)"
After ‘swarm init’ and adding the other nodes to the cluster, ‘docker swarm ls’ lists the nodes in the cluster:
More to come in part 2:-)