Serving static content, REST endpoints and Websockets with Express and node.js

I’ve yet to see a framework that is as simple as Express for developing REST endpoints. I’m experimenting with a React app that receives push updates from the server using Websockets. Is it possible to use Express to serve all the requests for this app: static content (the React app), REST endpoints and Websocket? Turns out, yes, and it’s pretty easy too.

Starting first using Express to serve static content:

This uses the static middleware for serving the static content.

Handling REST requests with Express is simple using the get(), post(), put(), and delete() functions on the Router. Adding an example for a GET for /status now we have this:


Next, adding support for Websockets, using the ws library. Incrementally adding to the code above, now we create a WebSocket.Server, using the option to pass in the already created HTTP server:

const wss = new SocketServer({ server });

At this point we add callbacks for ‘connection’ and ‘message’ events, and we’re in business:

This is the starting point for a React app to build a websockets client, more on that in a future post. The code so far is available in this github repo:

Getting started with node.js, Express and Mongoose

I started tinkering with some test data creation scripts using Node.js a while back, but it’s been on my todo list to dig deeper into some Node. I recently walked through this very good article, and got a REST based backend using Node.js, Express and a MongoDB up and running in less than an hour. Pretty good going for learning a new tech stack 🙂

After putting together the app from the steps in the article, I realized there was a few steps that could have been simplified. For example, instead of hand coding the package.json as in the article, you can let npm update it for you by passing the –save option. So, to create an initial package.json:

npm init

and walk through the prompts.

Next, instead of manually adding the dependencies for Express, Mongoose and body-parser, again, use npm to install and add them to the package.json file with –save:

npm install express --save

npm install mongoose --save

npm install body-parser --save

That saves some work – no need to edit the package.json file by hand when the tool maintains it for you. Without the –save option npm still downloads the dependency, but –save writes the details into your package.json as well.

Using Mongoose with Express certainly gets you up and running with basic CRUD using REST pretty quick and easy with minimal coding. I was surprised how little code it takes to get the basics implemented. I’ve shared my version of the completed app to GitHub for future reference here, and for quick reference below:


var express = require(‘express’);
var app = express(); //init Express
var bodyParser = require(‘body-parser’);
var mongoose = require(‘mongoose’);
var Contact = require(‘./app/models/Contact’);
//init bodyParser to extract properties from POST data
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));

var port = process.env.PORT || 8080;

//init Express Router
var router = express.Router();

//default/test route
router.get(‘/’, function(req, res) {
res.json({ message: ‘App is running!’ });

// retrieve contact: GET http://localhost:8080/api/bears/:bear_id)
.get(function(req, res) {
Contact.findById(req.params.contact_id, function(err, contact) {
if (err)
// update contact: PUT http://localhost:8080/api/contacts/{id}
.put(function(req, res) {
Contact.findById(req.params.contact_id, function(err, contact) {
if (err) {
else {
contact.firstName = req.body.firstname;
contact.lastName = req.body.lastname; {
if (err)

res.json({ message: ‘Contact updated!’ });
//delete a contact
.delete(function(req, res) {
_id: req.params.contact_id
}, function(err, contact) {
if (err)

res.json({ message: ‘Successfully deleted contact’ });

// create contact: POST http://localhost:8080/api/contacts
.post(function(req, res) {
var contact = new Contact();
contact.firstName = req.body.firstname;
contact.lastName = req.body.lastname; {
if (err)

res.json({ message: ‘Contact created!’ });
//GET all contacts: http://localhost:8080/api/contacts
.get(function(req, res) {
Contact.find(function(err, contacts) {
if (err)


//associate router to url path
app.use(‘/api’, router);

//start the Express server
console.log(‘Listening on port ‘ + port);