Setting up a Kubernetes cluster across 2 virtualized CentOS nodes

tl:dr – I tried installing Kubernetes from scratch on Fedora Atomic hosts, but couldn’t get it working. I captured the steps I went through up until the point where I got stuck, but thinking there has to be an easier way, I found kubeadm and successfully used that to get a cluster up and running …

Error starting Openshift Origin on CentOS 7: systemd cgroup driver vs cgroupfs driver

Following the instructions to install the Openshift Origin binary from here,  on first attempt to start it up I got this error: failed to run Kubelet: failed to create kubelet: misconfiguration: kubelet cgroup driver: “systemd” is different from docker cgroup driver: “cgroupfs” Per instructions in this issue ticket, to verify which cgroup drivers docker is …

Using Netflix Eureka with Spring Cloud / Spring Boot microservices

I’ve been taking a look at this article on using Spring Cloud‘s integration/support for Netflix Eureka. I’ve started to put together a simple example using Eureka as a service registry for a couple of Spring Boot services, and what this would look like if deployed in Docker containers. So far I’ve created the initial service …