In the ‘how on earth are you going to enforce that?’ category, apparently the London Olympics wil not permit the use of personal hotspots while at the games venues. For what reason, who knows.
Java 8 will ship without Project Jigsaw, modular dependencies for the Java platform
Around this time two years ago, Oracle gave the Java community two options for the upcoming Java 7 release, Plan A and Plan B, which looked something like this:
Plan A: JDK 7 (as currently defined) Mid 2012 Plan B: JDK 7 (minus Lambda, Jigsaw, and part of Coin) Mid 2011 JDK 8 (Lambda, Jigsaw, the rest of Coin, ++) Late 2012
Oracle went with Plan B based on community feedback, and we got Java 7 earlier, just with a reduced list of changes.
Now we’re on the verge of seeing the release of Java 8, Oracle has some rather upsetting news that the major changes, namely Project Jigsaw (to introduce modular dependencies into the Java platform), will not be included in Java 8 after all.
I don’t want to see any product released before it’s ready, there’s no point shipping something if its half-baked. But with the Plan A/Plan B approach it seems somehow that we’ve been short-changed. We agreed to delay significant changes to a future release just to keep the new releases coming, and now we’re at the point where we should have received the most significant platform changes that were originally planned for Java 7, to be included in Java 8, and Oracle is telling us ‘sorry, they’re not ready’. At this point one has to wonder where Oracle’s priorities are with Java, because it’s certainly not looking very promising right now.
VMWare rumor: new CEO stepping in and about to spin off CloudFoundry?
This is unexpected: according to sources, GigaOm say VMWare is taking a new CEO from majority shareholder EMC and is spinning off their PaaS offering, Cloud Foundry. These changes are expected to be announced during their second quarter earnings call on July 23rd.
Rumors can always turn out to be nothing but a rumor, but GigaOm’s opinion on this move is that they’re attempting to distance Cloud Foundry’s association from VMWare and EMC, which may be holding back adoption of their service compared with other IaaS and PaaS offerings, since some perspective Cloud Foundry customers may be put off by the perceived platform lock-in by Cloud Foundry using VMWare and/or EMC products. Interesting point of view – have to see how this one turns out.
Google I/O Glass demo – most awesome conference demo ever?
I hadn’t watched this up until now, I’d read about it and it sounded pretty cool, but after hearing Leo Laporte and guests talking about it on TWiT episode #360 I had to take a look at the video.
Turns out, this demo of Google Glass with live hangout session from parachuters, guys on bikes and absailers tag teaming the delivery of a pair of Google Glass glasses back to Sergey on stage in the conference has to be one of the most awesome tech demos I think I’ve ever seen. Pretty awesome. You have to watch this to get an appreciation of what they actually did.