Will AJAX give way to an increase in Java Desktop applications?

Several times in the last five years working on web applications I’ve heard, or even said myself, ‘that would be easy to implement if this was a desktop application’. It seems we’ve shot ourselves in the foot with web-based applications in terms of rich user interaction, and even ease of use. We fully embraced web-based applications for their benefits of a centralized deployment model and the fact that they removed the need to install software on client machines, which of course opened the doors for a whole new paradigm in terms of users being able to access your application remotely over the internet with a client that was already installed on their PC, the web browser.

It’s interesting though how we accepted these benefits at the cost of user interaction features that were/are easy to implement using a desktop based application, either standalone or client/server: dropdown menus, dependent UI components like dropdowns (where data in one component is dependent on the selection of another component), drag and drop, data validation, input field masks… the more you think about it the more we seem to have given up with web apps.

With AJAX some of these dynamic UI features are possible to implement, and even before AJAX, were possible to implement if you were prepared to jump through hoops with Javascript and dHTML. However, this is also often at the cost of narrowing down supported browsers if you start to take advantage of cool features that maybe are supported in one browser but not another.

There is obviously a need driving AJAX type functionality. I just wonder how long it will be before someone says, ‘you know, if you really want that type of UI user interaction then the easiest way will be to implement it as a desktop application…’

10 Top AJAX Web Apps

Looking for examples of well-designed AJAX applications on the web? Dan Grossman has a list of what he considers the current top 10 on his site (notice the obvious ones, Google GMail, Maps, and their Google Suggest are not on his list).

PS3 will have DVR functionality?

News has been quiet on the PS3 recently, especially since it was initially due to ship in Spring 2006. However, there are a couple of articles today confirming some additional features that may put the PS3 ahead of the XBox360, in terms of it’s support for media.

  • BluRay DVD: we’ve known for some time that the PS3 will come with a BluRay DVD player – in HDTV terms (and data capacity) this already puts the PS3 in a different league from the XBox360. News today however hints that this may not be a significant cost to the console, as the Cell processor architecture will handle processing of this new media. Standalone players won’t have this luxury and so will need their own custom hardware, which will be a significant part of the cost for new players.
  • Integration with the PSP: the PS3 and PSP are going to support Sony’s LocationFree functionality, which will allow users to remote control the PS3, download media (video and audio) content onto their PSP and take it with them on the go.
  • This article today mentioned one feature that I have been waiting to hear: the PS3 will function as a DVR. Very cool. My Tivo is sounding sick and I’ve been waiting to hear this about the PS3 for a long time. This is one of the most exciting prospects for the PS3 – with this feature the console is far beyond just the gaming console of the XBox360.

The bad news – the article mentions that US PS3 developers are being told to prepare for a fall release…